Wild Wood autumn leaves in backlit forest taken on Tmax 400 film by Jade Austen

The Wild Wood is a 14 acre reserve that borders the Meander River in Deloraine and is packed with deciduous species from the northern hemisphere, mostly sycamore and willow.

Despite walking the track with our kelpie most days, I rarely get bored. There is usually something different to experience depending on the weather and the season. In summer the wood is filled with green and the grass grows up to neck height. In autumn yellow and brown leaves carpet the track and fungi sprouts on the wet logs, often seen with ice crystals on their heads. In winter the sun shines low through the bare trunks and sometimes you can’t enter the wood without gumboots due to flooding. Thick white frost paints the open areas. Spring sees the grass growing up again as the bright green sycamore leaves push ambitiously from their buds.

Wild Wood | Deloraine | Tmax 400

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