PANDANI | Cradle Mountain

Cradle Mountain Pandani with raindrops by Jade Austen Tasmania

The world’s tallest heath plant, Pandani (Richea pandanifolia) is endemic to Tasmania and can grow up to 12 metres in height. I always love coming across these guys, for when you see them you know you’re in a pretty special place. Cradle Mountain | Kodak ColorPlus | Nikon F2 | Dev/scan | Ikigai Camera.

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FAGUS | Cradle Mountain

Fagus at Cradle Mountain on black and white Ilford HP5 film.

Also known as Tanglefoot owing to its twisted ground-hugging branches, Deciduous beech (Nothofagus gunnii) is Tasmania’s only deciduous native. People flock to the Tasmanian Highlands during April and May for the ‘turning of the fagus’, as the tiny crimped beech leaves turn from green to yellow to flame red, and finally fall to the ground. […]

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