Japanese Heartnut and spring sky on Portra 400 film

Took a visit to the Tasmanian Arboretum in Eugenana the other day. Saw part of the collection of 4,800 living trees from seven geographic locations around the world. It was a beautiful day weather wise and I spent a good part of my time head to the ground watching for snakes. I happened to look […]

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Antiques emporium Devonport Tasmania on portra 400 film and Hasselblad.

I love stopping here on my way into Devonport and wading through the 5 floors of secondhand goodness. Each room crawls with trinkets and curiosities from another time. Aisles are lined with cardboard suitcases, leather bound books, wirelesses and floral crockery and rooms are filled with ancient cameras and super 8 video recorders, vinyl, cassettes […]

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